1 - 5 Users

per year

6 - 20 Users

per year

21 - 50 Users

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51 - 100

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  • Searchable Logs - Expected an email that you didn't receive? Check log files to see what happened.
  • Message Queuing - If your mail server goes down, mail will be queued until the mail server is available.
  • User Based Reports - Enable reports for specified users, contains total filtered emails and total email processed.
  • Whitelist - Per User whitelist, if an email address gets filtered that you are sure should be allowed, add it to the whitelist.
  • Blacklist - Per User blacklist, stop all email from a particular email address. These emails won't even be quarantined.
  • Report Spam - You can train the filtering service, if you receive a spam email it can be uploaded to your filtering service.
  • Spam Quarantine - If our advanced spam filtering system considers a mail spam, it is placed in your spam quarantine folder.
How it works :
  • Your email passes through automated spam filters that detect suspected junk email and viruses, based on your personal preferences.
  • Blatant spam is removed automatically, while suspicious email is directed to your own web-based quarantine folder (it does not arrive at your computer's in-box).
  • Additionally you can "block" senders using the blacklist; meaning, email from them will always be filtered. Or you can "approve" senders using the whitelist; meaning, their email will always be delivered.